Publikációs listák

List of publications authored by Nitra teachers within EFOP project

A. Scientific monograph published abroad (a chapter):

Šimonek, J. Halmová, N., & Vojtíková, L. 2020. Testing Motor Predispositions and Competences of Primary School Children in the Czech and Slovak Republics; recenzent: Metka Kordigel Aberšek, Samo Fošnarič. In. ed. Alena Lipovec: New Horizons in Subject-Specific Education : Research Aspects of Subject-Specific Didactics. Maribor: University of Maribor, 2020. - ISBN 978-961-286-358-6, pp. 271-290.
Abstract: The work shows the process of testing motor predispositions and competences of Primary School Children in the Czech and Slovak Republics. A comparative study.

B. Scientific papers published at foreign scientific conferences:

Šimonek, J., & Halmová, N. 2019. Detecting basic motor competences of primary school children. In. Vloga predmetnih didaktik za kompetence prihodnosti : zbornik povzetkov. 2. mednarodna znanstvena konferenca, Maribor, 4. oktober 2019. Maribor : University of Maribor. ISBN 978-961-286-298-5, pp. 295-296.
Abstract: The main author presented a paper at the Maribor conference dealing with the detecting basic motor competences of primary school children in Slovakia and Hungary as part of the EFOP international project.

C. Conference papers published in Slovakia:

Molnár, A., Šimonek, J., Halmová, N., Boros-Bálint, I.,….Dobay, B. 2019. Motor development of Slovak and Hungarian 6-7-year-old pupils in the aspect of degree of obesity (First phase of a longitudinal study). In Proceedings from the scientific konference - Zborník vedeckých a odborných prác z vedeckej konferencie. Komárno: 5-7. septembra. Eds.: Jaromír Šimonek a Beáta Dobay, s. 68-76. ISBN 978-80-8122-304-4.
Abstract: The main author presented a paper at the Komarno conference dealing with the detecting basic motor competences of primary school children in Slovakia.

D. Oral presentations and conference abstract publications:

Šimonek, J, & Halmová, N. 2019. Detecting basic motor competences of primary school children. In Vloga predmetnih didaktik za kompetence prihodnosti. Zbornik povzetkov. Urednica Alenka Lipovec. Reviewers: Danja Drešar, Janja Batič. Maribor: University of Maribor, Faculty of Education. S. 295-296. ISBN 978-961-286-298-5.
Abstract: The main author presented a monograph chapter dealing with the detecting basic motor competences of primary school children in Slovakia and the system of sport talent recruitment.

E. Foreign konference posters:

Šimonek, & Horička, P. 2019. Relationships between motor abilities and skills of children aged 6 to 8. In: Healthy & Active Children – Lifespan Motor Development Science & Application. Verona: University of Verona, 2019, Sept. 11-14.
Abstract: The authors presented a conference paper and presented the results of comparing basic motor abilities and skills in young children. They drew the data from EFOP project.

G. Review papers in domestic journals:

Šimonek, J. 2018. Povinné testovanie pohybovej výkonnosti žiakov 1. ročníka ZŠ podľa nového zákona o športe. In Športový edukátor, 2018, XI(2), s. 3-11. ISSN 1337-7809.
Abstract: This is a review paper contributed to the methodological journal in Slovakia. It discusses the various ways of testing motor prerequisites of children. It draws the data from the EFOP project.

H. Abstracts of review papers published in proceedings from foreign conferences

Molnár, A., Šimonek, J., & Halmová, N. 2020. Does the gross motor development of Romanian and Hungarian 6-7-year-old children depend on the degree of obesity? In. ed. Vasile Liviu Andrei. International Symposium “Research and Education in an Innovation Era” Physical Education and Sport Section: Health related physical fitness vs skills related physical fitness – new perspectives approach to physical fitness : Book of abstracts, Arad, the 23rd-25th of May. - Arad : University of Arad, 2020, p. 6.
Abstract: A. Molnar as the chief person in the EFOP project discusses the ways of for the EFOP project.

I.Bachelor/Master theses:

Baranová, P. Výber talentov pre šport. (Talent selection for sport). Master thesis. Supervisor: Jaromír Šimonek. University of Constantine Philosopher in Nitra, Slovakia. 2021.
Abstract: Assessing basic locomotions and elementary motor skills is one of the important part of talent identification in sport. The sample of first graders was subject to testing 6 basic locomotions. The results were used for movement talent identification.

Pilchová, M. Úroveň základných lokomócií u 6-7 ročných detí v okrese Nitra (The level of basic locomotions of 6 to 7-year-old pupils in the region of Nitra). Bachelor´s thesis: Supervisor: Nora Halmová. University of Constantine Philosopher in Nitra, Slovakia. 2020.
Abstract: The student finds out the level of basic locomotions in first grade pupils in the region of Nitra. By means of implementing 6 tests of elementary motor locomotions (a part of the battery of tests TGMD-2) the author finds out the level of these skills in 100 children. The tests were implemented two times a year and differences between the input and output values were assessed. There is faster acquisition of basic locomotions than ball skills in both boys and girls.

Šimko, F. Úroveň motorických kompetencií žiakov 1. ročníka základných škôl (The level of motor competences of pupils of the first grade of elementary schools). Bachelor´s thesis. Supervisor: Jaromír Šimonek. University of Constantine Philosopher in Nitra, Slovakia. 2020.
Abstract: The student finds out the level of motor competences of first grade pupils in the region of Nitra. By means of implementing 6 tests of elementary motor skills (a part of the battery of tests TGMD-2 focusing on ball manipulation (ball batting, dribbling, throwing, rolling, grasping and kicking)) the author finds out the level of these skills in 100 children. The tests were implemented two times a year and differences between the input and output values were assessed. There is faster acquisition of basic locomotions than ball skills in both boys and girls.

In progress:

Bachelor´s thesis: Úroveň pohybovej výkonnosti žiakov na 1. stupni základných škôl. (The level of motor abilities of 1st graders at elementary school). Supervisor: Nora Halmová. University of Constantine Philosopher in Nitra, Slovakia. 202?.
Abstract: The student will find out the level fo basic locomotions and skills of elementary 1st to 4th grades in the selected region of Slovakia.

Publikációs listák
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  • Hír
2022. február 28.
The effects of physical education on gross motor skills in 6-7 years old